How Does “Range” Work?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 TimeTec 9 Comments

In recent months, we have received a growing number of troubleshooting enquiries regarding the Range option in the TCMS V2’s Clocking Schedule.

So, what is Range? Range is to determine the maximum time that one slot could record before it is considered as the time for the corresponding slot. For example, if a value for IN is 09:00 and the Value of Break is 12:00. When a staff clocks in at 11:30, the time will be recorded in Break column instead of in the IN column. This is because the system will take the midpoint from both the IN and Break time to determine which column the data falls into. Referring to the example, the time difference between IN (09:00) and Break (12:00) is 3 hours. The midpoint for the time difference would be 1.5 hours which is 10:30. So any time before 10:30 will fall in the IN column and any time after 10:30 will be automatically assigned into the Break column.

By using Range, you can change the software’s default data allocation system.

At the Range tab, insert the time 11:30 into the IN column. This will prompt the software to overwrite its default data allocation system and use the inserted time value to allocate the data. Now any time before 11:30 will fall in the IN column and any time after 11:30 will be automatically assigned into the Break column.   

The Range option is only applicable for weekly and daily schedules. If the employees are working according to the work schedule, you may ignore this option. The Range option is only for special work case scenario where it is needed to overwrite the software’s default data allocation system.

Contributed by Ery
Edited by Vincent


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Installation Diagram for R2 (FEM565) - R2c with New AdapTec Plus

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 TimeTec 0 Comments

With the new release of our latest products, terminal installation might differ from our previous guide and diagram. Below is a full installation wiring diagram for R2 (FEM565) – R2c with the New AdapTec Plus.

If the R2c does not respond upon installation, please check the Dip Switch setting below:

Note: Do not adjust the dip switch. Make sure it is set to the default settings as shown in the image.

and also enable the R2c setting at the R2(565): Press Menu > Option > Access Option > 485 Reader Function > Y

For more information regarding R2c, click here to see its manual.

Contributed by Azim
Edited by Vincent


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Replacing the Latest Clocking Option Under the Range Tab

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 TimeTec 0 Comments

When you click this checker, the TCMS V2 software will replace the transaction data at the Attendance Sheet with the latest downloaded data.

For example, a company’s starting work hour is 09:00. The employee comes in to work at 08:30 and verified his fingerprint at the door to enter the premises. The software will use the transaction data 08:30 as the IN time. Even if the employee comes in and out of the door, the software will still use the transaction data 08:30 as the IN time. If you tick the Replace with latest clocking checkbox at the IN column, the Attendance Sheet will display the latest transaction data every time the employee comes in and out of the door.

Therefore It is recommended that you select this checker for OUT and DONE columns only because the TCMS V2 will always check the latest OUT time of the users and will publish it on the Attendance Sheet.

Contributed by Faiz
Edited by Vincent


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New Language Release for AC100C and TA100C

Tuesday, October 09, 2012 TimeTec 2 Comments

You can customize your FingerTec terminal display and audio to your preferred language. All FingerTec models are preset with the English language as the standard display and audio language.

For localization of your terminals, you can remove or add in different languages into the FingerTec terminals. A terminal can support a maximum of 3 languages.

We have released 14 new languages packs for our multimedia models, the AC100C and TA100C terminal:

**Click on the preferred language above to download.

Follow the below steps to upload the language pack:

  1.  Insert your terminal's IP Address and click Connect.
  2. Check the Manu Date (manufactured date) displayed in the list upon connection.
  3. If you terminal's Manu Date is before July 2008, please select Customize Options, or else just select Default Options
  4. Click Update and wait for the process to complete.
  5. The terminal will restart itself upon the completion of the upload.

Click here for some additional information on what you should take note while uploading the language pack.

If you need any additional guidance while uploading the language pack for AC100C or TA100C, please email us at [email protected] or contact us here.

Contributed by: SF Lim
Edited by: Vincent


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