R2 (565) – R2 (565) Master - Slave Wiring Diagram & Settings

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 TimeTec 2 Comments

Previously we have discussed on how to modify the setup for 2 master terminals to use it as master-slave terminals. You can read the full article here. Today we will be demonstrating how to connect the 2 units of R2 (565) terminals to work as master-slave terminals. To use 2 units of R2 as master-slave terminal, you will need to connect the 2 terminals together according to the connection diagram below: Terminal configurations:

At R2 (565) Master

  • Press Menu > Option > System Option > Wiegand > Input setting > FP device > input format = WG26 with ID > Esc > Input = User > Esc & Save

At R2 (565) Slave

  • Press Menu > Option > System Option > Wiegand > Output setting > Output format = WG26 with ID > Esc > Output = User > Esc & Save
  • Press Menu > Option > Comm Option > Adaptec Plus = N > Esc & Save

Note: If the Wiegand option does not appear, please confirm that your R2 terminal is FEM 565 and not FEM 500. If the Wiegand Option is still not appearing, please check the settings at Menu > Option > Access Option > 485 Reader Function = N > Esc & Save > Restart Terminal, or contact [email protected] for further assistance.

Initiated & Written by Azim


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TimeTec Web Manual Installation

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 TimeTec 2 Comments

Under present circumstances, the TimeTec Web installation is only compatible with the Windows OS English version. If you are using the Windows OS with a language other than English, you are required to perform a manual installation. Please refer to the below instructions for installation guidance:

1.              Copy the wwwroot folder at C:\inetpub from a PC that is installed with the TimeTec software and store it into the USB pendrive. 

2.              Paste the wwwroot folder from the USB pendrive into the PC that you want to perform the manual installation at C:\inetpub

3.              Go to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Administrative Tools and engage the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager. Click “Add application Pool”. Insert the name as TimeTec App and select the .Net framework version to .Net Framework v2.0.50727, Select the managed pipeline mode as integrated and click “OK” to proceed.

4.              Select the TimeTec App and click the “Advanced settings” button. Configure the settings as per the following screenshot.

5.              Under Application Pools, click “Add Application Pool”. Insert the name as ASP.Net 4.0, select the .Net Framework version as .Net framework v4.0.30319 and select the Managed pipeline mode as Classic. Click “OK” to proceed.

6.              Select ASP.Net 4.0 and click the “Advanced settings” button. Configure the settings as per the following screenshot.

7.              Double click on Default Web site, right click at Mobile TimeTec and select Convert to Application.

8.              Click “Select” button and select the application pool as ASP.Net 4.0 and click “Ok” to proceed.

9.              Right click at TimeTec and select convert to application.

10.           Click “Select” button and select the Application pool as TimeTec App and click “Ok”.

11.           Right click at “Default Website”and select “Add virtual Directory”.

12.           Then configure the settings as per the below screenshot:

13.           Right click at iclock and select “Convert to Application”.

14.           Click “Select” and select the application pool as ASP.Net 4.0 and click “Ok”.

15.           Click ”ISAPI and CGI Restrictions” and then “Open features”. 

16.           Change the restriction to allowed as below for aspnet_isapi.dll in C:\\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\V4.030319 and C:\\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\V4.030319

17.           Click “Handler mapping” and then “Open Feature”.

18.           Click “Add Wildcard Script map”.

19.           Select Executable as C:\\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll and insert the name as wildcard.

20.           Click “Yes” to proceed.

21.           Click Restart

22.           Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\TimeTec\bin and double click at DBinstall.exe file to run the Timetec Database installer. Insert the MySQL password and click the “Test connection” button.

23.           Click “Update Connection”.

24.           Click “Upgrade Database”.

25.           At the Internet Browser, type in localhost/timetec to start the TimeTec software. By default the username & password is both superuser.

Initiated and Written by : Aidid


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Export Data from the Attendance Sheet to Microsoft Access Database

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 TimeTec 4 Comments

Good news to users who are using Access database software. By using the TCMS V2 software, you can now export data from the Attendance Sheet into Microsoft Access Database format. There are various types of third party software out there using Access database to process data. Upon setting up the ODBC manager, the TCMS V2 can easily export data into different file types as required for input into their third party system. Today we will discuss about how to set up the ODBC manager in the Windows 7 platform and export data from the TCMS V2 Attendance Sheet into Microsoft Access Database.

Step 1
Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.

Step 2
Double click Data Sources (ODBC).

Step 3
Click “Add” button at the User Data Source (User DSN).

Step 4
Select Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb) and click “Finish”.

Step 5
1. Insert the data source name, example: Export Data
2. Click “Select”.
3. You can download the sample database here.

Step 6
Choose the Sample Database.mdb and click “OK”.

Step 7
Upon selecting the database path, click “OK” to proceed.

Step 8
Click “OK” again to exit the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Step 9
Start up the TCMS V2 software > Attendance Sheet > click “Export”

Step 10
Select the Employee ID and date range > choose either Export Detail or Export Summary.

Step 11
Click “ODBC”.

Step 12
1 - Select the data source name (Export Data)  
2 - Insert in the Table Name, example: Export Data 1
3 – Click “Test Connection”.

Step 13
Click “OK” when you see “Test Completed Successfully”.

Step 14
Click “Save” to save the configurations and go back to Export Attendance Records.

Step 15
Lastly, click “Export Detail” to export data from the Attendance Sheet into Microsoft Access Database.

Step 16
When you open the Microsoft Access Database, the export details result will show as per below.

Please take note; if you are using 64bit operating system, you need to go to
C drive > Windows > SysWOW64 > double click at odbcad32.exe to add the database at the User Data Source.
( C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe )

Initiated and Written by : Faiz


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How To Differentiate Core Board’s FEM Versions

Monday, February 04, 2013 TimeTec 0 Comments

FingerTec is constantly upgrading the terminals’ hardware to cater for the needs of larger storage capacity as well as better performance. It is essential for the customers to be aware of the different core board versions equipped in the terminal. This information is vital when it comes to claiming warranty parts or purchasing it as a spare part.

Please refer to the images below. You can differentiate the version of the core boards by checking the numbers stated there. For warranty claims, you can check the manufacturing sticker, which is highlighted in the red box to ensure that it is still within the warranted period.



Initiated and Written by Zul


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