Customizing the Company Name to the Top of the Report

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 TimeTec 0 Comments

As you may already know, the FingerTec TCMS V2 Software's report will show the company name at the bottom of the report. 

By changing the configuration, you can set the company name to be shown on top of the report. Please refer to the instructions below:

1. Quit the FingerTec TCMS V2 Software.

2. Go to the FingerTec TCMS V2 Software folder. (C:\Program Files (x86)\FingerTec Worldwide\TCMSv2

3. Locate theconfig.inifile, then double-click to open it.

4. Change Company Top=0 into CompanyTop=1 and save it.

5. Now start-up the FingerTec TCMS V2 Software and check the report preview.

6. And, voila, you're done!
Initiated & Written by: Ery


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Modifying Setup from Master-Master to Master-Slave

Monday, January 21, 2013 TimeTec 2 Comments

Before FingerTec Worldwide introduced Slave devices that could pair with Master devices, 2 master devices were used and modified to act as a Master-Slave setup for door access solution. Due to the distinct requirements by certain customers, the Master-Master setup is still widely used, most noticeably with the H2i, which is very popular due to its aesthetic quality. Its sophisticated design can cater to almost any style of office and home interiors.To modify the setup, please follow the instructions below:
  1. Download the FingerTec Terminal Function Tools here
  2. Upon download, start up the FingerTec Terminal Function Tool and connect to the terminal. Change the Wiegand Output to UserID and the AdapTec Plus to OFF.
  1. You will need to perform the above steps for both terminals.
  2. After that, download the FingerTec Master Slave Tools here(../../static/file/
  3. For the Master terminal, update the tools as Master.
  1. For the Slave terminal, select Slave before you update it. 
  1. And now you’re done!

Initiated by Aidid, Written by Vincent


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.

Ingress Trial Version

Monday, January 21, 2013 TimeTec 7 Comments

With the launch of the Ingress software just around the corner, FingerTec has released the Ingress Trial Version for our resellers as well as end-users to test out the software before actually making a purchase. The trial version is strictly accessible only to FingerTec’s Authorized Resellers & Distributors and End-Users of FingerTec only.

The instructions below are intended to help you understand the workflow, types of testing environment, and what you need to prepare before you start the test. 

Supported Models:
Multimedia Models: AC100C, TA100C, TA100TC, TA200 Plus.
Access Control & Time Attendance Models: Ingressus, Q2i, i-Kiosk 100 Plus, AC900, R2, H2i, R2c.
Face Recognition Models: Face ID 2, Face ID 3, Face ID 4, Face ID 4d.
Card Reader Models: TimeLine 100, Kadex, m-Kadex, k-Kadex, i-Kadex.

Please make sure that the FingerTec terminal you use for testing is listed above. Any terminals excluded from the list will not work with the Ingress Software. Next up, go to Ingress’s trial version page to fill in the request form and submit it back to us. You are required to insert your FingerTec terminal’s serial number for us to generate the trial product key. 

If you are not using a FingerTec terminal for testing, you are still required to insert the testing terminal’s serial number, and we will process it accordingly. If you do not have a terminal to test the Ingress software, just leave the serial number text box empty and we will provide you with an 8-digit device serial number and the trial product key. We will email you once your Ingress trial application has been approved. 
You can access Ingress’s trial version page by clicking this link.

Once your application has been approved, you may download the Ingress Trial Version software installer here. Unzip the file, right click the installation file and select Run as administrator to prompt the installation. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.

Upon the Ingress installation, it is mandatory to activate the device before you can use it to perform testing. There are 2 ways to activate the device. While adding new devices to the software, tick the checkbox for Device Online Activation.

Once the activation is completed, you can see a “Successful Activation” message at the bottom left corner of the window. 

As mentioned above, if you do not have any terminals to perform testing, please insert the given serial number at the IP Address / URL text box and tick the checkbox for Device Online Activation. Click Add to activate the serial number and then you may start to use the Ingress software for testing.

Another way to activate the terminal is in Devices. Click on the device that you want to activate and click Activate Device.

At the Activate Device window, there are 2 methods to activate the device; either Online or Offline. If you choose to activate the device online, select Online and click Activate. The Ingress Software will connect to our database server to verify and activate the device accordingly. You will see the device’s activation status as well as the expiry date.

If you choose to activate the device offline, kindly contact us at [email protected] to request for the trial product key. Then insert the given product key into the text box. Select Offline and click Activate to proceed with the activation.

Written by Vincent


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.