How to Manage New Users in FingerTec Terminal & TimeTec TA

Thursday, August 29, 2019 TimeTec 2 Comments

With TimeTec TA, an administrator in a company can manage the new user/staff systematically by depending on the reliable data of time attendance management solution. Below is the process to manage the new user/staff in the FingerTec Terminal and TimeTec TA.

Process Part 1: FingerTec Terminal Enrollment of user
Normal user can use the terminal for identity verification, and he does not have any other authorities to access the system. To add a normal user, follow the steps shown below :

Fingerprint Verification

Part 2: TimeTec TA Download user(s) from a terminal
Go to Device > FingerTec Terminal > Manage Terminal.

Select the device that you wish to download its users. Click on Manage Terminal and from the drop-down menu, select Download User.

From the Window below, a Sync option is available to ensure that the list of Terminal Users is updated. You can check the Last Updated date beside the Sync button. If the list is outdated, click on Sync to update the terminal users into TimeTec system.

You can check or uncheck your preferences on the users’ information as well as the users that you wish to download into the server. Then, click on Submit to proceed.

After submitting your confirmation, the users are now downloaded from the terminal into the server.

Update user information
Go to User > Manage User


A user list displays User ID, Name, Organization Structure, Designation, Mobile Contact, Account Issuance Date, and Last Sign In time.

Under the Edit column, select the Edit button.

A Window shows the general account information and information of the selected users.

By selecting the Edit button, you can edit the user’s details
(1) To upload User Photo, (2) Deactivate button - To deactivate user if the user resigned, terminated, or suspended from the company. Once the user deactivated, the user moves into an Inactive Tab (3) Pencil Icon - To edit User Name, Joined Date, Organization Structure, Designation, etc.

On the bottom part, it is compulsory to fill in the User ID of the user and the User ID cannot be duplicated to other users. Login user name (Email) is optional if the user wants to log in their account through Apps/Web. Login Password is the temporary password, and Login password can be reset by admin any time in case the user has forgotten their password.

Assign Users into Organization Structure
Go to Company > Organization structure

Select the department/group.  Assign User into the structure by clicking the button.

Select the user and submit

Assign user(s) into Roster
Go to Schedule > Assign Schedules and Users into Roster

Select the Add button at the roster that you wish to assign user(s) into.

After assigning user(s) into the Group Duty Roster, you need to specify the effective date of the new roster assigned. Determine the Start Date and the End Date at which the new roster takes effect, and the attendance of the user generates according to the date.

Select your preferences on the attendance sheet then Submit your configuration by clicking on the Tick button.

Assign Users to Device
Go to Device > Assign Users to Device.

You can view a list of users along with their settings, which cover Web Access, TimeTec TA App, Checkpoint Group, and Terminal Group. Select the users that you wish to perform changes on their clocking devices and click on the Edit option.

You are now able to edit permission on the clocking devices.

Under Allow To Use FingerTec Terminal column, you can determine the Terminal Group, Device Username, Privilege ( User, Enroller, Admin, Super Admin ), Card ID and Password of the selected user. You can also adjust the users' access rights at the terminal under this setting.

Terminal Group - A terminal group assigned to the users on TimeTec TA
Device Username  - A username assigned to the device
Fingerprint Count - The number of fingerprints that the users have enrolled at the terminal
Privilege - Access rights as assigned in the System Role
Password - Password set by users for access purposes
Card ID - Smart Card number used by users for access purposes
Mobile ID - Unique mobile ID assigns to the mobile phone, and TimeTec TA stores this particular mobile ID

After configuration, save the changes by selecting the Update icon.

How To Enable/Disable GPS & Web Clocking In TimeTec TA:
Click on ‘Edit’ icon at User’s tab and Set Web Clocking to ‘Yes/No’ to Enable/Disable.

To Enable/Disable GPS Clocking, Set the GPS Clocking option to Yes/No. Next, click Update/Cancel to save the changes.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at [email protected], we update it as soon as possible.


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Flexi Schedule Configuration for Federal Ministries and Departments of Malaysia 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 TimeTec 6 Comments

Recently, the Public Service Department (PSD) of Malaysia announced that civil servants could opt for flexible working hours.

Fortunately, in FingerTec software, Flexi Schedule is being offered as one of the schedule options for users, and they can configure it quickly based on the schedule assigned for the civil servants as shown below.

1. To add Flexi Schedule, go to Attendance tab > Clocking Schedule > Add Clocking Schedule > Select ‘Flexi’ for the Work Schedule field.

2. For civil servants working in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Selangor, Perak, Sabah, Sarawak and Perlis:

i) Insert the latest time allowed to start work, which at 08:30 AM into the IN column and set the total hours of work per day which is 9 hours in the ‘Overtime if total flexi-work hour exceeds workhour of option.

3. For civil servants working in Johor and Terengganu, you need to add two Flexi Schedules since the total hours of work per day for Sunday to Wednesday and Thursday are different.

i) Sunday to Wednesday: Set the clocking time only for Sunday to Wednesday and set the total hours of work per day same as above.
ii) Thursday: Set the clocking time only for Thursday and set the total hours of work per day to 07.30 hours.
4. To add Group Duty Roster, click on Group Duty Roster > Add Duty Roster > Select ‘Weekly’ for the Roster field.
i) For civil servants working in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Selangor, Perak, Sabah, Sarawak and Perlis:
Edit > Auto Schedule > Make sure the day type is correct and assign the same schedule for all days > OK & Save. Then, assign users for this roster.
ii) For civil servants working in Johor and Terengganu:
Edit > Auto Schedule > Make sure the day type is correct and assign the same schedule for all days except Thursday which you need to select the schedule created especially for Thursday > OK & Save. Then, assign users for this roster.
5. Finally, go to Attendance Sheet > Generate > Select users > Select the correct date range > OK in order for the data to display accordingly.
Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at [email protected], we updates it as soon as possible.


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.

How to Setup Interlocking in Ingressus

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments

Introduction For higher-level security, interlocking is the fundamental parts of door access security where two doors are interconnecting, where each of the doors must entirely close before one could access another door. This feature is to prevent someone from tailgating authorized personnel and entering the room without permission. Interlocking is available in Ingressus II and Ingressus IV controller because it involved the installation of at least two doors. Requirements
- Ingress software - Ingressus II or Ingressus IV controller - Slave reader connected to Ingressus controller - Door sensor installed at the door Ingress software must be connected to Ingressus controller while each door must be installed with the door sensor to monitor the door open-close activities. How to activate interlocking? Steps
Select ‘DEVICE’ -> click ‘Zones’ -> select ‘Interlocking’ -> click ‘ADD ZONE’ -> rename interlocking zone

Select interlocking zone “Server room” -> click ‘ADD SETTING TO DEVICE’ -> select check box for the selected device -> click ‘OK’

Select device “Ingressus ii“ -> Click ‘EDIT’ -> Select ‘INTERLOCKING BETWEEN DOOR 1 AND DOOR 2’ -> ‘SAVE’

Synchronize software with controller -> Click on Icon Ingress -> Select ‘NOTIFICATION’

Click check box -> ‘START SYNCHRONIZE’ -> click start synchronize again

How Does It Work?
Access the first door. If you try to open the second door without closing the first door, you can see the ‘Interlock’ sign appears.

You can only access the second door when you close the first door properly.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at [email protected], we will update it as soon as possible. 


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How To Lodge A Defect Report To The Management Team via i-Neighbour App

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments

DEFECT REPORT is a document that identifies a defect in a residence detected by a house owner/purchaser, and they need to send the report(s) to the Management for their further action. The report states the problems found in residence for the developers to identify the defect quickly and fix it promptly.

Through i-Neighbour Smart Community Solution, the house owner/purchaser can send the defect reports to the management team easily through the App. The App stores all information about the defect reports for future reference by both parties.

Following are the steps on how to submit a defect report via i-Neighbour.

Step 1: Launch the i-Neighbour App > More > select Defect Report icon under Management.

Step 2: To lodge a new Defect Report, tap on the ‘+’ icon.

Step 3: Specify your role either as an Owner (a house owner/purchaser) or a Non-house owner/purchaser (a person who reports on behalf of the house owner).

Step 4: Fill in the defect information and Submit. Click on ‘Add New Case’ to lodge more than one (1) ticket.

Step 5: Once the owner/purchaser submits a Defect Report, he needs to wait for the Management Team to respond.

Step 6: The house owner/purchaser can check their Defect Reports’ status from time to time at the Defect Report section and select the particular ticket to view the details. Check for the new updates from the Management (if any) at the Notification tab.

Joint Inspection Appointment
Step 1: When all repairs complete, the house owner/purchaser receives a Joint Inspection notification.

Step 2: To proceed, tap on “Confirm Schedule” and choose a date to schedule for a Joint Inspection Appointment with the management team.

Note: If the house owner/purchaser is not available on both dates, tap on the “Reschedule” button to choose another date.

Step 3: Once the inspection session completes, the house owner/purchaser has to update the status of the Joint Inspection in the i-Neighbour App to complete the defect cycle documentation. Login to the i-Neighbour App, go to Defect Report, and select the appropriate ticket and tap the Settings button at the top right corner of the screen. Choose “Close Ticket” if the defect resolved.

Step 4: Specify your role either as an Owner (a house owner/purchaser) or a Non-house owner/purchaser (a person who reports on behalf of the house owner) and put a Remark in the space provided.

Step 5: Finally, rate your overall experience by selecting the stars: 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest. Insert your suggestions (if any) to the Management for future improvement. Once you submit the rating, the joint inspection ticket closed.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at [email protected], we will update it as soon as possible.


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